Characters intro

Ivan Rajwansh


Age 30

Ivan Rajwansh was a complex man with a personality that was difficult to decode. He had an enigmatic aura about him that made people wonder about his true nature. He was known to be a business tycoon who had achieved great success in his field, but very few knew the methods he used to climb the ladder of success.

Standing tall at 6'1 feet, he had a commanding presence that demanded attention. His piercing black eyes were intimidating and had the power to absorb anyone in his gaze. His Greek god-like physique was a result of his strict fitness regime, and it was hard not to admire his attractive facial features.

Despite his intimidating demeanor, Ivan had a soft spot for his grandpa. He cherished his relationship with his grandpa and often spoke about him with fondness.

However, Ivan's cold heart was a topic of gossip in the country. People wondered if he was capable of feeling any emotions, as he never seemed to show any. He was a morally ambiguous man, and many believed that he would do anything to achieve his goals.

While some people hoped that someone could melt his cold heart, others believed that he was a monster who could never love anyone. Only time could tell what lay in store for Ivan Rajwansh.

Kavya Reddy


Kavya Reddy is a charming 20-year-old girl who has  completed her schooling and started her college days. She carries an innocent and bubbly personality, but on the other side, she holds a lot of pain, which she tries to hide behind her beautiful smile. She comes from a conservative family where males are given more priority than females, which has left her feeling oppressed and struggling to voice her opinions.

Kavya has a face that could launch a thousand ships with her innocent and doe-like eyes, small nose, and plump lips that form a perfect pout. Her body has a beautiful curve, with a gentle sway that complements her innocent heart. She stands at a height of 5'2 feet, with skin as white as freshly fallen snow.

However, the challenge lies ahead for Kavya, who is expected to marry an unknown man...

what will happen to her innocence when she marries an unknown man? Will he appreciate her for who she is, or will he try to change her into someone she is not?


Next character intro 2.0

Till then bye 🥱

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