16.Ivan's Confession

The next morning, Ivan was jolted awake by the incessant ringing of his phone. His eyes were bloodshot, and a pounding headache throbbed in his temples, but he ignored it. It was his personal assistant calling. "Yes," Ivan replied in his morning husky voice.

"It's Mrs. Bani, sir," his assistant informed him, "she delivered the divorce papers under your father's name."

"Hmmm," Ivan just hummed.

Now he could connect the dots instantly. "Did you locate your lady boss's location?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, sir, you are right. She is exactly where you suspected," the assistant confirmed.

"Alright, now follow my instructions," Ivan commanded.

"Okk ... now do this what I am telling you," Ivan instructed....

Ivan gripped the steering wheel tightly, his veins popping with tension as he drove recklessly towards Kavya's location. His eyes were fiery red, his shirt disheveled, and his hair all mussed up, lying on his forehead, yet he still managed to look damn hot.

His mind was consumed with thoughts of Kavya—her quirks, her habits, the way she talked endlessly about the stories she read, and even the fantasies she shared. He remembered the time he denied one of her fantasies, despite secretly wanting to fulfill it....


After they finished dinner, they were returning home. Ivan was driving because they hadn't brought a driver, wanting to spend quality time together.

Kavya, who had a bit too much wine, leaned in close to Ivan and whispered, "Let's do it in the car!" Ivan's eyes widened, almost popping out of his head, as he slammed on the brakes in shock. "What?!" he spluttered, trying to process what she just said.

But Kavya, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, giggled uncontrollably. "Come on, Ivan, it'll be an adventure!" she slurred, her words slightly blurred from the alcohol.

Ivan couldn't help but laugh at her boldness.

Scratching his head nervously, Ivan said, "Um, Kavya, I don't know about that... It's kind of cramped here."

But Kavya wasn't listening, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. "Who cares? It'll be fun!" she insisted, leaning in closer and almost falling into his lap.

Ivan gently pushed her back into her seat. "Kavya, sweetheart, let's save that for another time, okay?" he said, trying to keep his voice calm.

Kavya rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, big guy, we'll manage!" she teased, poking him in the ribs.

Ivan chuckled nervously, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I don't know, Kavya. It's not exactly the most comfortable place, you know?" he replied.

Disappointed, Kavya pouted, her bottom lip sticking out in a cute pout. "But Ivan, it'll be an adventure! I wanna do it now!" she whined, her words slurring together, her eyes pleading with him.

Even though he also wanted to, Ivan, being a bulky man, knew the car didn't have enough space, so he denied her.

Ivan sighed, amused by her drunken antics. "Okay, okay, we'll talk about it later," he promised, patting her hand reassuringly.

Kavya brightened up instantly, her face lighting up with a smile. "Promise?" she asked, holding out her pinky finger.

Ivan couldn't help but laugh at her persistence, wrapping his pinky finger around hers. "Promise," he said, grinning.

As they continued driving home, Ivan couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Kavya always had a way of keeping things interesting, even if it meant suggesting something a little out of the ordinary.

Flashback end....

Despite the rush and tension, memories of Kavya brought a hint of a smile to Ivan's lips as he sped towards her, determined to bring her back into his life.

His car was pushing the limits of speed. The beautiful scenery of Nandi Hills flashed by on both sides of the road as he raced forward, but Ivan's mind was consumed with thoughts of Kavya as he drove towards her, determined to bring her back into his life.

"Finally, he reached there. He hurriedly got down from the car. It's an orphanage where Kavya was doing some work with kids.

Kavya felt someone's gaze; she turned around only to see him.

Quickly getting up from her place, she tried to run away. She was so angry that she didn't want to ever look at him, but Ivan chased her and finally caught her, wrapping her in his arms. She was crying and struggling to break free, hitting him with her small hands. It's not doing anything good, just making it more funny. The kids are watching their acts and laughing.

After crying for a long time, finally, she looked at him. He was consoling her by rubbing her back. And after a long time, she finally says, "Why are you here now?" she asked.

"To bring you back to your home," he said.

"That's not my home, and you didn't want me," she said.

"Who told you that?" he asked.

"Your aunt came with your fiancé," she replied.

"What are you talking about? I don't have any fiancé," he exclaimed.

"And you also gave me a divorce," she said.

"I never gave you any divorce; there is a misunderstanding, and you didn't even call me and ask me the reason; you just gave up on your husband and came from there... Are you mad?" he said, trying to make light of the situation.

"So what should I do? I called you so many times, but you didn't even pick up my phone; whom should I ask? And the way they are telling me, I thought they were telling the truth... Also, the news... What should I do, you say! I was so broken; that was my birthday; that's why I told you to come early only that day, but you didn't come and don't even pick up the call or didn't even call me back," she replied feeling hurt.

Ivan was shocked to know it's her birthday. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't know that's your birthday; I was coming, but I got news that my grandpa was admitted to the hospital, and I didn't know what I was doing. I was so disturbed that time; my mind is not working, but I was hoping that you were with me that time... I... I... mean... sorry; please give me one chance; I will make everything right; please come back," Ivan said feeling guilty.

"What happened to your grandpa?" she asked.

"He had a minor heart attack; that's why I rushed to the hospital to see him. I was on a flight, so I didn't have a chance to call you," he explained.

Feeling guilty after knowing the truth, Kavya apologized, "I'm sorry I didn't believe in you."

"You don't have to say sorry. It's not your fault. But I am disappointed with you. You should have waited for me to come back and asked for an explanation. You just gave up on me so easily. How could you think that I would divorce you? I'm never going to divorce you in this life," he said, trying to reassure her.

"Now tell me what happened that day when I wasn't here," he asked.

Kavya felt guilty and told him everything that happened that day.

Ivan was furious after listening to all this; his eyes became more red. Now he knows who feels garbage in his wife's mind. He's not going to leave anyone who comes to put their nose in his life.

"How can you believe them? If I wanted to spend a night with you, I will never marry you. Yes, in the beginning, I didn't have any emotion for you; it was totally lust. I wanted you for one night at any cost, and yes, if I was the same Ivan 6 months back with that mindset, I would leave you after 6 months. But after spending that night with you, your innocence melted me. When I put vermillion on your hair, I had the feeling that I never felt the urge to keep you safe, to fulfill your every wish, and after spending 6 months with you, I fell in love with you... I don't know when the one-night marriage became a lifetime agreement... I love you, Kavya, and don't even think about leaving me... I need you...

You know I never experienced love from my childhood. Only my grandpa gave me love. That's why I'm so attached to him. Up until now, I still don't know what parents' love feels like, and when I got the news of my grandpa, I got so tense that time that I forget everything; I just wanted him to live because he is the only person that I have, and now I also have you... You are the family for me... I never got the motherly love; that's why I became like that... I never respected women in the first place, but after I met you, you gave me the realization. I want a family, Kavya, with you... our family..." he said emotionally, hugging her tighter.

Kavya also hugged him tightly and rubbed her palm on his back.

"I will be with you always. I know I was wrong, but you know you are the first person who respected me... gave me everything that I want... I have my golden time with you and... and who said you don't respect girls; you just don't believe them before... who told you you are alone? I am your family; don't ever say that again," Kavya said.

Kavya realized how much he had changed for her. It wasn't easy for a man who is never committed to any woman, but he did it for her. Now it was her turn to fill his life with the things he never had. He looks cold from outside but still a child from inside.

"Now should we go back to our home?" Ivan asked.

Kavya just nodded with a bright smile.

That's the thing he wanted to see for long, and now he's going to smack the smile of whoever gave a hard time to his wife.


The longest chapter I ever wrote. I just wanted to wrap up the whole thing in one chapter, so I tried my best to clarify all the misunderstandings. Please let me know if you like it or not.

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