20.The Final Twist

Three years had passed since Kavya graduated. She is now a well-known writer, her identity is hidden. Her novels had captured the hearts of many, weaving tales of love, mystery, and adventure.

One afternoon Ivan sat in their cozy home library, engrossed in Kavya's latest manuscript. As he turned the pages, he stumbled upon a particularly spicy scene. He smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Hey, Kavya," he called out, his voice carrying a teasing lilt. "How about we try this scene out?"

Kavya gave him a  "Are you serious " look

"For... research purposes, of course." Ivan Justified himself.

Kavya, typing away at her desk, turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh really? And how exactly do you propose we do that?"

Ivan walked over, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Let's make it practical. You'll know exactly how it feels."

Kavya laughed, pushing him playfully. "You and your ideas, Ivan Ji. Maybe later."

After a bit more teasing and leg-pulling, they settled back into their work.







That evening, they had dinner plans with Grandpa. They arrived at his house, where the warmth of family and the aroma of delicious food greeted them. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories and memories.

Kavya is Gossiping with Grandpa about Ivan's childhood.

Everyone is laughing knowing about his deeds.


It was a sunny day, and a little boy was beaming with joy as he spotted a small sports bike in the driveway. His grandparents had gifted it to him, thinking it would make him happy. What they hadn't anticipated was the chaos that would follow.

The boy, full of excitement and mischief, hopped onto the bike and started riding it immediately. He zoomed towards the freshly trimmed garden, the bike’s engine roaring and making a racket. His grandmother rushed out, waving her arms and yelling, "Stop! You're going to ruin the garden!"

She caught up to him and gave him a light slap on the head. "What are you thinking, young man?" she scolded, looking over at her husband who was watching from the porch with a wide grin.

Grandpa chuckled, pride evident in his eyes. "Look at him go!" he said, unable to hide his amusement.

"What are you so proud of, old man? He's going to wake up the whole neighbourhood!" Grandma exclaimed, exasperation in her voice. But Grandpa just gave her a knowing look and replied, "It was your idea to give him this bike, honey. Now we both have to deal with the consequences."

Grandma sighed, realizing he was right. As the boy continued to race around the garden, she couldn't help but wonder aloud, "If he's this much trouble now, what will he be like when he grows up?"

Grandpa nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, he's quite the troublemaker. But maybe, just maybe, he'll grow up to do great things with that spirit of his."

And with that, they watched their grandson, the little daredevil, hoping that his energy and enthusiasm would lead him to a bright future.

Flashback end...

After finishing the dinner the couple Returning to home...

Suddenly, Kavya felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She tried to steady herself, but the world spun, and she collapsed. Panic erupted around the table.

"Kavya!" Ivan shouted, rushing to her side. Without hesitation, he scooped her up in a bridal style and carried her to the nearest couch.

A doctor was called immediately. After a thorough check-up, he smiled at the anxious faces around him. "Congratulations, Mr. Rajvansh. You're expecting a baby."

The room fell silent and then erupted in joy. Grandpa's eyes sparkled with tears. "I'm going to be a great-grandfather!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion.

Ivan was overwhelmed, tears streaming down his face as he hugged Kavya tightly. "We're going to be parents," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

They returned home, the reality of the news slowly sinking in. Ivan sat on the bed, his emotions overwhelming him. Kavya joined him, wrapping her arms around him. "You're going to be a great father, Ivan," she whispered, her voice full of love and reassurance.

Ivan nodded, his tears subsiding. "And you're going to be an amazing mother, Kavya."

After that, they bought and slipped hugging each other...






The months passed in a blur of joy and anticipation. Ivan and Kavya shared countless cute moments, from decorating the nursery to feeling the baby's first kicks. Ivan attended every doctor's appointment, his protective instincts kicking in full force.

As Kavya's belly grew, so did their excitement. They read books on parenting, took birthing classes, and spent quiet evenings imagining their future as a family. Ivan was especially attentive, making sure Kavya was comfortable and well cared for.



Kavya was seven months pregnant and feeling increasingly tired and lazy. Her doctor had suggested she work out daily to stay healthy, but Kavya just didn't feel up to it. Her husband, Ivan, kept pushing her to follow the doctor's advice, which only added to her frustration.

Determined to have some peace, Kavya devised a master plan. She blocked Ivan on every platform—calls, WhatsApp, Instagram, and every social media network. She even left the house to stay with a friend, hoping for some much-needed time alone.

What Kavya didn't know was that Ivan was resourceful. After trying to reach her without success, he resorted to email. His message was straightforward:

"Unblock me from everywhere,  my little tomato, or I'll come over there and fuck you so hard that you will not able to walk for a month ."

The message was enough to make Kavya laugh and blush simultaneously. Realizing she couldn't avoid him or the workouts any longer, she unblocked Ivan on all platforms.

Later that evening, she received another message from him: "Time to work out, my stubborn little tomato. See you soon."

With a sigh and a smile, Kavya knew she had to give in. She put on her workout clothes, ready to embrace the challenge for her health and their baby's well-being.





The ninth month arrived, bringing with it a mix of nerves and excitement. One evening, Kavya felt the first contractions. Ivan sprang into action, Ivan's nerves got the better of him. He ran around the house in a panic, forgetting where he had placed the hospital bag. After a frantic search, Kavya calmly pointed it out to him, right by the door where it had always been. grabbing the hospital bag and guiding her to the car—but in his haste, he forgot to bring Kavya along. He dashed back into the house, red-faced, and this time he made sure to guide her carefully to the car.

The journey to the hospital was nothing short of chaotic.

Ivan managed to trip over his shoes twice while trying to help Kavya into the car, and then he couldn't remember how to start the car in his rush. Once they were on the road, he drove five miles under the speed limit until Kavya reminded him gently but firmly that they needed to hurry.

"Sorry, sorry!" Ivan muttered, speeding up a little too much, causing Kavya to hold onto the dashboard.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Ivan parked in the emergency lane and then realized he had left the car keys in the ignition. A nurse had to point out that he needed to move the car to the parking lot. He returned, out of breath, just in time to help Kavya out of the car.

Inside the hospital, Ivan fumbled through the registration process, answering questions meant for Kavya and getting flustered when asked for their insurance details. Kavya, through her contractions, managed to give the receptionist the necessary information while Ivan hovered, looking worried.

When they were ready to take Kavya to the labour room, the doctor informed Ivan that he couldn’t enter the operating theatre. Ivan stared at the doctor, frustration and determination in his eyes. Recognizing Ivan as the owner of the hospital, the doctor relented and permitted him to stay with Kavya during the delivery.

In the labour room, Kavya gripped Ivan's hand tightly as the contractions intensified. Ivan whispered words of encouragement, his anxiety barely contained."You're doing amazing, Kavya," he said, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. Hours passed, and finally,

the room was filled with the sound of newborn cries—two distinct wails. The doctor placed two tiny, wriggling bundles into Kavya's arms.

Tears streamed down both their faces as they gazed at their unidentical twin boys."Welcome to the world," Kavya whispered, her voice filled with awe and love.

"We're so glad you're here."Ivan leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Kavya's forehead and then to each of their babies' tiny hands.

Though he had secretly hoped for a girl, his heart swelled with happiness and pride as he looked at his sons."We did it," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "They're perfect."At that moment, their world was complete, and the journey of parenthood had just begun.


The end.......


just Begin.....

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